If you are looking to provide people with an opportunity to support or contribute to local journalism, here is how you can integrate that feature in your website through MediaOS.
NOTE: This requires the Membership & Integration package of MediaOS Service, contact us today to learn more!
Navigate to the Members tab on the right hand side of your MediaOS account. Then select Sales > Offers.
You will see that there is a button up top that says Donate Embed. In order for this feature to work, you must have a subscription offer set up. It needs to have a time based item included.
For Pricing there can be a default row of $1 for Regular Price and Price, everything else can be override. Then make sure you select the toggle for Custom Pricing Enabled up at the top.
Make sure the following fields remain EMPTY: Required Membership, Country, and Minimum Required Tier to Purchase
Now, once you have these offers set up, you can select the Donate Embed button up at the top of the Memberships > Sales > Offers page. Here, you will match up the following categories and the prices you wish to include (Note: you can add, remove, edit, etc. as you need down the road). Then simply scroll down, and click on the embed code to copy.

Now you will navigate over to your site and create a new page. Here, you will title the page and choose the html block and paste the embed code!

Save your page and you will find your monthly, yearly, and one time donation page! Feel free to change the width and design as you wish inside MediaOS. (NOTE: if you get a message saying "No Pricing ID Found", this means you have set this feature up incorrectly.)