events calendar
Website Tools / Events Calendar

Engage Your Community with the MediaOS Events Calendar.

Invite local advertisers to display their upcoming events on your site’s events calendar. Easily upload and manage your events all from one convenient WordPress plugin.

This isn't your average events calendar.

Everything seamlessly connects to help you build community and increase revenue.

Embed Calendars on Other Sites

Talk about expanding reach! Your SEO will soar to new heights.

Connect to the Business Directory

Your advertisers are putting on events the community needs to know about, and you can be the source. 

Sell Tickets to
Local Events

Not only can you provide the community with a list of events, you can help them get in, too. 

Readers Can Easily Upload and Post Events

Sometimes, more than anyone, your readers know what’s going on in your community, so let them help you! 

events calendar
events calendar

Easily Create Your Events Calendar with Seamless WordPress Widgets

The MediaOS Calendar is pre-built and ready for you to drop it into your site and go. No hassle and no need to build a custom site or landing page. 

Connects to Your Newsletters

MediaOS Events Calendar integrates with your newsletters and automatically pulls in the events your readers are looking at into their custom newsletter. Additionally, you can easily pull a few (or more) featured events into newsletter blasts with ease to increase their reach.

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