Customizing your General Settings is a vital step in your initial account setup. General Settings dictate user permissions and accessibility.
Only Admin users can customize an account's General Settings by selecting his/her navigation profile and clicking on System Settings and then General Settings. Admin users can quickly search for the setting you need by typing it in the search box at the top of the General Settings page or scrolling through the many options. All general settings are listed in the order they are found below.
Accounting Settings
- Charge Convenience Fee on Auto Payments - this allows you to assess the chosen convenience fee percentage found later in settings to any automatic payments that are collected.
- Disable Account Billing - this setting will stop all automatic billing from taking place on your account.
- General Ledger Account Codes Enabled - this setting enables the use of General Ledger codes on products and contract line items within MediaOS.
- Grace Period - this allows you to determine how many days are granted as grace before the ability to assess a finance charge is available.
- Issue Name Year - when activated, issue names will not automatically have the year added to the end of the name.
- Lock Accounting As Of - this prevents any invoices or payments from being edited prior to the date selected.
- Report Revenue by - you may select either Sold By User or Owned By User. This will affect reporting in MediaOS.
- Sales Tax Default - if enabled, then all items added to contracts will be set to taxable.
Ad Proof Settings
- Allow Download - this will allow external users to download ad proofs when viewing them in the portal.
- Auto Convert to Ad - upon a proof being approved, this will automatically upload the now approved ad into the ad library of the account.
- Client Approval and Rejection - enables your customers to approve and decline proofs via portal links.
- Comment Conditional Approval - enabling this setting makes it so that when a comment is present on a proof, the approval button is disabled.
- Comment Required on Decline - enabling this setting makes it so that when a comment is not present on a proof, the decline button is disabled.
- Internal Approvals - this will enable MediaOS users to approve and decline proofs in the Delivery - Ad Requests section.
- Post Approval Auto-assign - this will automatically assign the ad proof file to the corresponding line item upon approval.
Agency Settings
- Agency Visibility - this will allow all Sales users to view agencies and their associated contacts.
Alternative Payments Settings
- Ignore Items Before - this will cause the system to ignore any line items marked as Alternative Payments prior to the date listed.
Auto-Renewal Settings
- Line Item Default Lead Time - once a line item is within the day range specified in the setting, it will automatically renew (provided Auto-Renewal is enabled on the product and line item).
Commissions Settings
- We recommend only using one of the next three settings at a time:
- Ignore Payments Applied Before - do not pay commissions on any payments applied prior to the date listed.
- Ignore Payments Before - do not pay commissions on any payments prior to the date listed.
- No Commission on Invoices Created Before - the system will not assess commission to any invoices created before the listed date.
- Splits - Enables commission splits in MediaOS to split commission between two sales representatives.
Contract Settings
- Ask for Payment Info Post Signing - send the signee of a contract to a Payment Information page after signing a contract.
- Custom Line Item Descriptions - allow sales users to custom name line items and override default naming.
- Default Contract Template - Automatically selects a template to use when the sales user hasn't assigned one already.
- Delete Sold Line Items - allows users to delete line items from a sold contract that has not been invoiced or assigned to an ad request.
- Disable the Set to Won Option for sales rep users - this prevents sales users from manually setting contracts to won.
- Hide Product Type on Contract - this will hide the product type category name on the contract PDF line item heading. For example, if "MediaOS Monthly" has a product type of "Print Magazine" it will remove "Print Magazine" from the contract.
- Hide Sub Totals on Line Items - this will allow you to hide the sub total of each individual product on the contract. Please note that in order to fully remove totals you will need to edit your template.
- Hide Tax Column on Contract Line Items - this will hide the tax column found on the Contract Line Items dynamic content, make sure to edit your template to remove the grand tax total.
- Max Discount Percent - set a discount threshold to warn sales reps when they exceed the number listed.
- Next Proposal Number - decide the next proposal number in MediaOS.
- Proposal Time Display Preference - display time durations rather than date ranges. For example, 3 Months, June 15, 20XX rather than June 15-September 15, 20XX.
Deals Settings
- Auto Re-assign - automatically change the owner of a deal to the person who sold a proposal attached to it.
Email Settings
- Disable Sent Email Tracking - this will remove tracking pixels from your email campaigns. This helps to prevent email links from being flagged as malicious and keeps emails from going to the spam folder.
Email Sync Settings
- Auto Create Contact from Emails - Automatically create a contact on an account based on the domain of the email address. The account must have the domain listed and will only be created when an email is sent.
- Block email or domains from import. One per line - this will allow you to block imports from sensitive domains.
Freelancer Settings
- Portal Instructions - Displays portal instructions for freelancers when they enter the freelancer portal.
- Terms and Conditions - Displays terms and conditions the freelancer must accept before they can accept the work.
Goals Settings
- Auto Sum Goals - automatically update the top level company wide goal with the sum of all user goals. This will disable the ability to create a top level goal with a different sum.
Invoicing Settings
- Allow Sales Reps to Invoice - give users with only Sales permissions the ability to create invoices.
- Attach Invoice PDF to Campaigns - automatically attach the PDF of any given invoice to a batch campaign email.
- Default Days to Due - set the default amount of days before an invoice is due.
- Finance Charge Interest Rate - set the percentage that will be assessed to any invoice that is past due by using the Batch Action - Assess Finance Charge function.
- Minimum Finance Charge - the minimum amount that will be assessed when using the Finance Charge function. Whichever is greater between the Interest Rate or Minimum Charge will be assessed.
- Next Invoice Number - decide the next created invoice's number.
Invoicing Rules Settings
- Copy Contract Notes to Invoice- When this is enabled, contract notes are copied to invoices.
- Custom Creation Date-Allow setting a customized creation date during creation of invoices.
- Ignore Contract ID's Before - recommended if you do not want line items on contracts with an ID less than the number you entered to be invoiced.
- Ignore Items Sold Before - Do not invoice line items sold on contracts with a sold date prior to the date you enter.
- Ignore Line Items Before - Do not invoice line items prior to the date entered.
Lead Scoring Settings
Lead Scoring in MediaOS encourages healthy competition amongst sales users and helps generate lead activity. Admins must first configure a points system for each of the below activities. Enter the amount of points given or taken away when each of the following occur.
- Add a Note
- Appointments
- Lead Form Submitted
- Loss Rate - Enter a percentage for loss rate.
- Each point indicates the greater potential of the lead purchasing advertising from you. An account can have at most 100 points at any given time meaning that account has the greatest potential of purchasing. Scoring reduction determines the rate of which a lead's score declines over a 1 week period. This occurs on a percentage basis to help ensure that if a single activity brings that lead to the top, that the user needs to include other activities to keep that lead's score high.
- Marketing Email Click
- Marketing Email Open
- New Contact
- New Proposal
- Proposal set to Lost
- Received Emails
- Sent Emails
Leads Fair Game Settings
When activity dwindles on a lead, it becomes fair game in MediaOS. Another tool used to increase lead activity and encourage vigilance. You'll need to configure the options below before starting Leads Fair Game.
- Days since last line item - Enter number of days the account can be inactive from a line items standpoint before the account is eligible to be sold by another user.
- Days since last outbound activity- Enter the number of days an account can go with no emails, phone calls, appointments or notes on the account, before it becomes fair game and can be sold by another user.
Merge Tags
- Statements- Include merge tag for Alternative Payments
- Statements- Include merge tag for Line Item Detail
- Statements- Include merge tag to Show Past Due Only
- Notify Accounting of New Contracts- Enable or disable notifying accounting of newly-won contracts.
- Notify Delivery of New Contracts - Enable or disable notifying delivery of newly-won contracts.
- Automatically Charge Auto-Payments - payment plans and invoices where the contract has a credit card and billing preferences specified will automatically charge the assigned card.
Payment Portal
MediaOS provides your advertisers with a secure payment portal to make online payments.
ACH Incentive Settings
When clients go to pay online through the payment portal, this feature will calculate offers to incentivize them to pay via ACH (via eCheck) instead of traditional credit card processing.
- Client must not already be setup on auto-pay.
- Funds are pre-paid to MediaOS via ACH in $1,000 minimum deposits.
- A 30% fee will added to your monthly invoice for the purchase of gift cards.
- Minimum calculation must be $10 otherwise no offer is made.
- Offers are capped at $200.
- Offers are calculated based on the total unpaid contract value.
- Client must be in USD currency.
- Setup payment with MediaOS via ACH.
- Use and have eCheck enabled.
- Select a setting to the left.
- Be in the United States.
- Client must be in USD currency.
- Minimum:Â This setting will have the lowest conversion on smaller sales to pay via ACH and auto-pay. However, larger sales will still see an incentive and provide large savings on credit card fees. This is good if your average contract size is $10,000+. Contract values of less than $1,000 will not see an offer.
- Medium:Â Will provide lower savings on credit card fees, but larger incentives will get more opt-ins. Good for average contract sales of $4,500+. Contract values of less than $500 will not see an offer.
- High:Â Select this setting if your goal is to break even on credit card fees, and you're focused on ensuring strong cashflow. Good for average contract sales of $2,000+. Contract values of less than $350 will not see an offer.
- Extreme:Â We only recommend turning this on if you are very focused on improving cashflow and timely payments. This will cost slightly more than your average credit card fees but get maximum opt-ins.
- ACH Incentive Auto Refill: If funds run low, we will charge a $1,000 refill to the selected ACH account.
- ACH Incentive Balance: view your balance, add funds and view your ledger.
Credit Card Payment Convenience Fee- enter the credit card convenience fee percentage you charge clients.
Direct Payment Notifications-Send a notification to accounting team members when a payment is made via the portal.
Disable Address Requirement for Credit Card Payments-disable or enable address requirements for credit card payments.
E-commerce Checkout-Activate this feature to enable setting products to be purchased using the self-service shopping cart feature.
Terms and Conditions- Select the terms and conditions for proposals/contracts.
Reporting Settings
Default Reporting To- Define the default of how some reports summarize data, whether totaled by who sold the contract or who currently owns the client account.
Sales Settings
- Contact Owners-Display the owner of each contact on each advertiser account.
- Discounts Require Approval-Discounting a proposal requires the approval of a sales manager, accounting or administrator.
- Merge Accounts Approval-Accounts merges require approval by an admin or sales manager.
- Past Contract Entry-Allow users to create past contracts and add insertions into past issues.
- Require Payment on File-After signing a new contract, the portal will ask for payment information. The contract will not execute if the payment information is not provided.
Sales Tax Settings
- Auto Assign Tax Rate -automatically assign tax rate to contracts.
Security Settings
- Account Ownership-Allow the owner of the advertiser to view all notes, emails, invoices, contracts and activity.
- Contract Security-Unlock contracts and allow all users to edit contracts.
- Email Activity Feed-Disable e-mails from displaying on the dashboard activity feed.
- Notify of Exports- Administrators will be notified when an export from MediaOS occurs.
- Sales Lock Default- Enable sales lock on all new leads until disabled by an administrator or accounting team member.
- Sales User Security-Allow sales users to see other user's advertisers contracts, contacts, notes and other sensitive information.
- Unlock Account Edit-Allow sales users to edit other user's accounts.
- Unlock Agencies-Allow all users to view and be able to edit all agencies.
Statements Settings
- Statement Header-add a message to all statement headers.
Studio Settings
- Studio Credit Auto Refill- The number of credits to automatically buy when falling below an 18 credits balance.
System Settings
- API Authentication Token-Alternative authentication password token to be used for the API.
- Archive Items-Enter the number of years you want to archive Issues, Products and other Items after a period of time to boost system performance and usability. No items will be deleted, only hidden. You can still access archived items.
- Home Currency-Set the primary currency that you do all your accounting in. This is should be the currency of your home country.
- Time Zone- Set the time zone for your account.