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Filtering the Accounts Table

To better analyze your accounts use the filter button and the multiple sorting options available to you.

  1. To access the accounts filter, select the Accounts tab from your left hand side navigation panel.
  2. Next, select the Filter icon to open the filter table.
  3. Now, choose your filter and sorting options and then click on FILTER to generate results. Selecting enter/return on your keyboard will not generate results, you always have to select FILTER.
  4. Save commonly used filters for quick access on your accounts table. Simply create the filters and select Save as New Tab.

The following filters are available. If multiple filters are used in the same search only accounts that meet all filter criteria will appear in the results.

Main Filters

Filter Description
Name Filters for account names or accounts that contain a similar word
Type Filters between accounts only, leads only, or both
Account Pipeline Status Filters for accounts that belong in a specific status on the accounts pipeline
Account Owned By Filters for accounts owned by a specific user or users
Shared With Filters for accounts who’s ownership has been shared with a specific user or users
Assigned Filters for accounts that have unspecified ownership or accounts without an owner
Created Between Filters for accounts created between the specified date range
In List Filters for accounts that belong to a particular list or lists
Not in List Filters for accounts that do not belong in the specified list or lists
Active Status Filters for Active accounts, Inactive accounts, or both. The Accounts page displays Active accounts only by default
Sales Lock Filters for accounts that have sales lock enabled or disabled
Target Account Filters for accounts that have or have not been designated as Target Accounts
Fair Game Filters for accounts that are Fair Game
Has Credit Card Filters for accounts that do or do not have a credit card on file
Has Account Tag Filters for accounts that have a specific tag or tags applied to them. Clicking the button at the right end of this filter brings up a list of all tags.
Agency Filters for accounts that are represented by a specific Agency
Comp Subscription Filters for Accounts that have Comp Subscriptions
Custom Fields Account specific Custom Fields that have been set up in your account will appear at the bottom of the filters list.


Filter Description
Product Type Filters for accounts that have purchased line items that belong to a specific Product Type
Product Filters for accounts that have purchased a particular Product or Products
Issue Filters for accounts that have purchased a specific issue or issues. For issue-based products only
Placement Filters for accounts that have purchased a specific placement
Pipeline Status Filters for accounts that have an open deal in a specific pipeline status
Has Past Due Invoice Filters for accounts that have overdue invoices
Last Signed Contract Filters for accounts that last signed a contract in the specified date range
Last Insertion Filters for the accounts whose last line item is running in the specified date range
Not Activity For Filters for accounts that have not had activity for a time period between one week to three years or accounts with no activity at all

Primary Address

Filter Description
City Filters for accounts located in the city specified
State Filters for accounts located in the state specified
Zip Filters for accounts in the zip code specified
Country Filters for accounts in the country specified


Filter Description
First Name Filters for accounts that contain a contact with specified first name
Last Name Filters for accounts that contain a contact with specified last name
Title Filters for accounts that contain a contact whose title matches the search criteria
State Filters for accounts that contain a contact or contacts whose state matches the search criteria
Country Filters for accounts that contain a contact or contacts whose country matches the search criteria
Contact Pipeline Status Filters for accounts that contain a contact or contacts who have been assigned a particular pipeline status
Contact in List Filters for accounts that contain a contact that belongs to a specific list
Contact Not in List Filters for accounts that contain a contact that does not belong to a specific list
Account or Contact in List Filters for accounts that belong to a specific list or accounts that contain a contact that belongs to a specific list
Account or Contact Not in List Filters for accounts that do not belong to a specific list or accounts that contain a contact that does not belong to a specific list
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