Stop spending hours tracking down artwork from clients. MediaOS's Automated Artwork Collection system does all of the heavy lifting for you.
Note: Your Automatic Artwork Collection must be set up by an administrator so that you can access the Automation section of MediaOS.
To Set Up Automated Artwork Collection:
- Click on the Automation icon on the left sidebar.
- You will be redirected to a page with four options: Workflow, Pipelines, Accounting/Automatic Billing, and Delivery.
- Click the Delivery button.
- Next, you need to establish WHEN you’re going to start collecting artwork.
How to Establish When You'll Start Collecting Artwork:
- Click the Manage Rules button to the right. You will be redirected to a list of the products you’ve loaded into MediaOS.
- You should see your product and product type listed, and an icon indicating if the product is active or in-active.
- You now have the ability to choose a Pre-Flight profile.
- NOTE: If you have pre-flighting active on your account, the system will automatically check to make sure that the ad being uploaded will print correctly inside the profile you selected. This an option for any print product, just choose it from the dropdown menu.
- Then, choose to allow errors or not by checking the Allow Errors box.
- If the box is not checked, the system will ask you to upload another file if it thinks the current one isn’t going to work.
- Choose when you want the items to appear on your missing artwork portal page.
- IMPORTANT: You will see two columns labeled Days Before Start and Days Before Late. These determine when line items set to go inside of the system will enter your Automatic Artwork Collection pipeline.
- Days Before Start is asking: When does this come out? When do we want to start collecting artwork for this? It is the number of days before the release/insertion date to start asking clients for ad materials.
- This is what determines how something appears in your Automatic Artwork Collection. It also determines what line items appear when you use the Missing Artwork Portal Link.
- NOTE: You must set this up in order to allow your clients to upload inside MediaOS or utilize automated reminders.
- Shortcut to access Days Before Start:
- Automation>Delivery>Manage Rules.
- There is an alternate way to access individual rules by going through the Products Page.
- Days Before Late makes it so that the system will tell clients to contact you directly before uploading or assigning anything AFTER a specific date.
- IMPORTANT: You will see two columns labeled Days Before Start and Days Before Late. These determine when line items set to go inside of the system will enter your Automatic Artwork Collection pipeline.
- In the field labeled Artwork Instructions for Customer, you can leave customized instructions for each individual product.
- Click Save.
- In the field labeled Artwork Instructions for Customer, you can leave customized instructions for each individual product.
- Click Save.

Accessing the Missing Artwork Portal Link
The Missing Artwork Portal is for your clients to be able to see a list of their upcoming ads and to either make changes to a current ad or upload new artwork.
- Click Accounts icon on left side of page. You will be redirected to a page with four options: Accounts, Agencies, Contacts, Lists
- Click Accounts, then choose one of your listed products
- In the bottom right hand corner of your screen, you should see several portal link options. Click on the Missing Artwork link.

- This will take you to see your Customer Portal for Artwork upload. There will be options for your clients to upload general files or subscribe to a personal deadline calendar. They can easily see the product and the instructions you left for it, or click and view the contract
- There are two options to make note of: Select Previous Ad and Upload Finished Ad
- When there is an ad request attached to a line item, clients will not be able to upload a finished ad or select a previous ad. This is because YOU are the one designing the ad.
Sending Automated Reminder Emails
- Click on Automation icon.
- Click on Delivery tab. There will now be an option to set up when you want to send your reminders.
- Click the box labeled Send Emails on the Following Schedule.
- From the dropdown menu, choose your preferred schedule. Options include:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Twice Monthly
- Customize and control when exactly your reminders will go out. NOTE: These are only going to be sent to people who fall within the selected time range.
- You have the option to send these emails to every person who has a line item and fits within the specified timeframe, or you can choose to send reminder emails only to those who are missing artwork.
- Click the box labeled Who Gets Emails.
- Choose between two options: Everyone with an upcoming insertion or Only those with a missing ad.
Note: Artwork collection emails go to the designated Delivery Email specified on the contract. If no Delivery Email is selected, the Billing Email will receive the reminder. If no Billing Email is selected, the Sold To Email will receive the reminder. If no Sold To Email is selected, the Primary Account Email will receive the reminder.

Choosing an Email Template
- Click the blue tab labelled Change Template under the Who Gets Emails box. You will be redirected to a page showing the template currently set.
- Update the template to meet your requirements and edit any details, then hit save and close. NOTE: For help designing templates, click here.
- Clients can use the portal link Branding Guide in the Accounts section to upload logos, websites, brand colors, values and custom descriptions—anything that will help you design better!