In order to utilize the MediaOS Ad Server, a few things must be set up first.
- Ensure that Your Plan Includes the MediaOS Ad Server
- Your website must be connected to MediaOS in the “Websites” section of MediaOS
- The MediaOS Plugin should be installed on your WordPress Site
- A product should be assigned to the website under “Ad Server” when looking at the settings of your connected website
- The corresponding HTML Code is placed on your Website for each Ad Unit in the placement you would like the ad to run (This step is not necessary for MediaOS Hosted Sites)
Provided those actions have been taken, let’s look at assigning creative to a line item in MediaOS to ensure compatibility with the Ad Server.
Once your Line Item has been booked on a won contract – find the line item in “Delivery” – “Line Items” in MediaOS that you would like to assign creative to and click “View”
Now click on the box underneath “Assigned Ad” to be taken to the Ad Library for this account.
Click on +New to upload a new Ad. After uploading your Ad you will see this screen:
A few quick notes on this screen:
Underneath the Ad File Name you will see the Pixel Size of the Image – it is critical that this matches your intended sizing of the ad unit as this is what the Ad Server will use to determine if an ad can be placed in the position.
Any ad that will be running digitally must have an Ad Target URL. If an Ad Target URL is not present then the ad will not run.
Save your ad and then click on the ad to assign it to this line item.
Please ensure that you upload both a desktop and mobile size to ensure maximum reach of the ad – MediaOS Ad Server enabled products have the ability to assign multiple pieces of creative to a single line item. In order to know if an ad assigned, when viewing the ad library you will see a green square around any assigned assets.