Users in MediaOS are purchased licenses your employees will be using in this software. This article will discuss how to add and manage users to ensure they have the proper roles configured.
How to Add a User: #
An Admin user is the only user role that can create a user. Logged in as an Admin, select your user profile in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Then, select Users from the navigation menu to display your account users window.
From you account user window, click the + Add User button to display the new user window.
?Administrators can quickly add additional users on the fly wherever a User select box appears in the system.
Next, complete the following user details from the user window (seen below):
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone number (optional)
- Password
- Confirm Password. ?Best Practice: Make all new user passwords "Changeme". Then, upon the new user's initial login they should Change Password.
- Select the users Primary Role from the drop down menu.
- Then, enable the User Roles. User Roles determine the types of permissions a user has and can limit access to different administrative areas of the system. Review these knowledge base articles to assist when determining what user roles to enable.User Roles & User Role References. Furthermore, user role options vary depending on which user roles are enabled.
- Additional Permissions: Depending on the user role, this optional step allows an admin to set additional permissions such as export contacts and allow for importing. ?Best Practice: Reach out to support prior to importing.
- Reporting Structure & Group Access: Pair up Sales Managers and Assistants for create User Group Access for more unified system functionality.
- Finally, select the Save button in the bottom right hand corner of the Edit User window to create the new user.
Managing a User
Edit an existing user in Ad Sales Genius to provide them with additional roles and capabilities.
From the Users window, click the pencil icon next to a user's name to display that user's preferences.
Use the User Preferences window seen below to enable additional parameters.
- Update a User Profile Picture: Select the File button to browse to your local file or navigate to an online photo.
Designate your support contact - Turn on or off daily digest emails
- Allow this user to perform contact exports
- Put the user in a group
Click the Save button when you are satisfied with your selections.