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Troubleshooting Your Email

The world of email can be a confusing place! As much as we would love for it to "just work" this is one of the trickier parts of the internet right now and that's due to the sheer number of moving parts that are involved. If you're in a bind and need some help with troubleshooting your email - click below on one of our helpful guides!

  • Email Blocker Check - The first step to check why you or someone you're sending to isn't receiving emails, see if they're blocking you!
  • Notifications - Struggling to see your notifications? Look here
  • DKIM Records- if you having difficulties with email deliverability this is the place to check on.

SPF Records - SPF attempts to prevent email sending abuse by ensuring that the IP address from which a message was sent is authorized to send mail on behalf of the domain in the email Envelope from.
Whitelisting IP Addresses - whitelist our email address and our IP address
Also this knowledge base article from one of the 3rd party vendors we work with SendGrid will help in setting up our IP address in your SendGrid account if you have your own.

At the end of the day - we cannot control if an email provider accepts an email. That's equivalent of going to someone's mailbox - handing them a letter and then trying to force them to open it and read it.

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