MediaOS allows both sales users and management to easily access and review a log of paychecks that have been issued. For more information on issuing commission paychecks in MediaOS, click here.
Viewing Paychecks as an Administrator, Sales Manager, or Accounting User
- Select the Accounting button on the left-hand navigation panel.
- Select the Commissions tab at the top of the page.
- Select the Paychecks option
- By default, you will see all paychecks issued in the current year-to-date.
- You may utilize filters to find paychecks issued between certain dates and paychecks issued to certain users.
- Select the Report button next to a paycheck to view a breakdown of what line items the user received payment for.
- The Delete button will allow you to delete the paycheck, should there be any issues, and allow you to re-issue the paycheck.
Viewing Paychecks as a Sales Rep
- Select the Accounting button on the left-hand navigation panel.
- Select the Commissions tab at the top of the page.
- Select the Paychecks option
- By default, you will see all paychecks issued in the current year-to-date.
- You may utilize filters to find paychecks issued between certain dates. Note: Sales users may only view their own paychecks.
- Select the Report button next to a paycheck to view a breakdown of what line items the user received payment for.