MediaOS' Invoice page provides a customizable table view that allows you to quickly and easily view pertinent information related to your invoices. The article below highlights frequently used columns on the invoices table.
Customizing Your Columns on the Invoices Page
- Select Accounting from the left-hand navigation panel.
- On the invoices page, select the
button found on the right-hand side of the page, underneath the Send Statements button.
- A popup window will appear allowing you to choose which columns are visible versus which columns are hidden. Please note the table is limited to fifteen visible columns at a time.
Frequently Used Columns
- No. - Displays the invoice number MediaOS has assigned to the invoice.
- External Number - Displays the number assigned to the invoice in Quickbooks Online. This is incredibly helpful in determining if an invoice has been synced with Quickbooks. Note: You must be integrated with Quickbooks Online in order to have access to the External Number column.
- Account - Displays the name of the company the invoice is for.
- Created - Shows the date the invoice was created.
- Due Date - Displays the date the invoice is due.
- Last Emailed - Indicates the last date the invoice was emailed, whether individually or via campaign.
- Status - Indicates whether the invoice is Paid or Unpaid. If the invoice has a partial payment, this column will display the Unpaid status until the invoice is paid in full.
- Billing Email - Displays the billing email address assigned to the invoice.
- Payment Plan - Indicates whether or not the contract the invoice is connected to has a payment plan set up.
- Invoice Total - Shows the total value of the invoice.
- Balance - Displays the unpaid balance of the invoice.
- Pipeline Status - Shows the pipeline status assigned to the invoice. To learn more about pipelines click here.