Selecting View next to an Invoice in MediaOS will open a callout window with details related to your invoice. This article details all information available in the invoice callout panel.
Invoice Details
The top of the invoice callout displays basic information related to the invoice such as the account name, the owner of the account, the payment status of the invoice (paid or unpaid), the total value of the invoice, invoicing terms, notes, invoice created date, invoice due date, and pipeline status. You may click on the arrow button next to the account's name to open the account's page. Clicking on the contract number tab will take you to the contract callout panel. If you are utilizing the integration with Quickbooks Online, you will see the invoice's external number beneath the MediaOS invoice number. A number populating beneath the Import ID field indicates the invoice was imported into MediaOS from an outside source.You will also see a breakdown of the subtotal, tax total, discount amount, invoice total, payment amount, and balance due next to the invoice details.
Invoice Action Buttons
Directly beneath the invoice's details are a number of buttons. The options available and what they do are listed below.
- Edit - This opens the invoice edit window. To learn more about editing invoices click here.
- Email - Opens an email editor to send invoice attachments to your client. Click here to learn more about emailing invoices.
- PDF - Opens a PDF copy of the invoice that you can download or send to your printer.
- Delete - Deletes the invoice record from MediaOS. Note: Sales users do not have permission to delete invoices
- Print - Sends the invoice to MediaOS' preferred printing service. The printer prints and mails a copy of the invoice to the billing address listed on the invoice at a charge of $1.59

Line Items
The line items section displays all line items included on the invoice. Click on the calculator button to the right of a line item to get a breakdown on the value of the line item.
Applied Payments
The Applied Payments section shows all payments applied directly to the invoice. You can click view next to a payment to unapply it or adjust the applied date. The New Payment button allows you to create a apply a payment to the invoice. Click here to learn more about creating and applying payments to invoices.
The commissions section displays commission earned for line items on the invoice. This table displays the name of the line item, who earned commission, the name of the commission table these earning are coming from, the commission percentage, principal amount of the line item, and the commission amount earned. When commission is paid a green checkmark will appear with a "Paid" marker, a line item without this marker indicates that commission has not been paid. Click on the Explanation tab for a breakdown of how commission is being calculated for each line item on the invoice. Click on the Update Commissions button to refresh the commission breakdown displayed to get the most recent commission data available.

Note: This section is only available if you are integrated with Quickbooks Online.
The Quickbooks section indicates the invoice's sync status with Quickbooks Online. Seeing a message that reads "Things are matching up" indicates that the invoice is successfully synced with Quickbooks Online. If there is an issue with the invoice syncing to Quickbooks, a reason and steps to remedy the issue will be provided. If you are unable to determine the cause of the issue are unable to fix the sync please contact
Activity Feed
Click here to learn more about the functionality of the activity feed.