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Viewing an Account Balance

Viewing an account balance has never been easier with MediaOS. You can view individual or all balances at once with the Advertiser Balances report.

How to View an Individual Balance

  1. From the main, left-hand dashboard click Accounting.
  2. Select the account you wish to view.
  3. Click the Accounting tab from the gray bar beneath the account information.
  4. This will give you a list of invoices that have been created. It will show the status as Paid or Unpaid, as well as viewing the Invoice Total and Account Balance.
  5. Click View on the right-hand side of the invoice you’d like to view.
  6. This screen will give you all accounting details for this invoice and give you the option to contact the customer regarding their balance.

Using the Advertiser Account Balance Report

  1. Select Reports from the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Choose Advertiser Balances from the Sales Management Section
  3. Select a date from the As of Date to see a list of open account balances as of that time period.
  4. View account balance.
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