Check out these sales automations we recommend you set up in MediaOS to help you track sales progress and increase good communication.
Recommended Automation: Setting up Automatic Contract Thank You Emails #
This workflow automatically sends a thank you email once a contract has been set to won.
- Click Automations on the left hand menu.
- Click Pipelines in the top menu.
- Click + New Workflow in the top right corner.
- On the next screen, click the drop down menu.
- Select Contract.
- Below, choose Set to Won.
- Click Save.
- Click + to add a step to your workflow.
- On the pop up on the right, choose Customer Email.
- Click on the box labeled Customer Email to edit the step.
- In the pop up on the right, fill in the information below:
- Description — This lets you label the email. Ex. Contract Won Email.
- Send to Email — This determines which email on the account the email will receive the email. In this case, choose Contact Sold To.
- Template — Here you can choose an existing email template or create a new one.
- Once you’ve filled in the information, click Save.
- Click Activate in the top right corner.
Recommended Automation: Setting Up Tasks for Sales Team Based on Your Deals Statuses (For Sales Managers) #
If you’ve set up your deals pipeline, you can set up this workflow to automatically notify you, as a Sales Manager, when a deal’s pipeline status has been updated.Â
Example: If you wanted a notification for the deals that are marked as Closing in the pipeline.
- Click Automations on the left hand menu.
- Click Pipelines in the top menu.
- Choose Deals in the sub heading layer.
- Choose the Automation tab.
- Under the Closing status, click + Create Workflow.
- Click the + button.
- On the pop up on the right, choose Notification.
- Click on the box labeled Notification to edit the step.
- On the next screen, under Attach Task to Related, choose Deals.
- Under Assign to Selected User, choose Select User.
- On the drop down that appears, select the user you’d like to receive the notification.
- In the Notification Message box, you can choose a merge field to include in the notification by clicking on the </> icon in the top right corner of the message box.
- On the pop up that appears, under Select Field, choose the merge tag you want.
- Example: Account: Name
- Click Insert.
- Finish typing in your message in the notification message box.
- Example Message— "Account: Name (merge tag) has been set to “Closing” for a deal. Follow up with Account: Owner Name (merge tag)."
- Click Save.
Now, you can keep track of everything that’s happening inside your sales pipeline with all of your deals.