The customer payment portal is a web page your customer has access to when it comes to paying an invoice, putting a downpayment on a contract or just seeing what invoices they have left to pay you. Now you may ask "how does the customer get to this payment portal webpage" simple enough here at MediaOS we can bake it into your invoice, email or by other means via a link.
The first place to find this link is on the clients page, now remember for this link to populate anything the client needs to have a contract and invoice in place for them thus they can be sent this unpaid invoice link and then they can follow the steps to access the payment portal.

Now once the client has either gotten a invoice email or an email with this unpaid invoice link they will be brought one of two screens.
Either this web page:

Or this web page:

Once the client clicks the pay button they get a confirmation page that pops up after this web page it may take 10 seconds or so to pull up depending on the customer's computer/laptop and internet.