MediaOS Reporting+ allows you a full range of reporting tools in order to find the data you need quickly and efficiently. By creating pivot tables in Deals, Ad Requests, Ad Proofs, Memberships, Newsletter Subscriptions, Best of Voting, Web Pages and more coming soon - it’s never been easier to create the reports you need.
How Does a Pivot Table Work?
A pivot table is a tool that summarizes and reorganizes data from a database that creates a new way to view the data. MediaOS gives you the ability to see this as either a data table or several different visual views such as Pie Charts, Bar Charts and Line Graphs.
At its core- the pivot table operates under this equation: Header Column + Left Side Column = Total by. For example, if I have the Left Side Column as “Sold By Rep”, the Header Column as “Deal Created Date” and Total by set as “Average Days to Close” then I will see a report of all Sales Representatives average Days to Close a deal sorted by when the deal closed. In addition to this, if the Header Column or Left Side Primary is date based, you can adjust the Date to be sorted by Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. We also give the ability to Group By certain criteria in your Left Side Primary - so if my Left Side Primary is set to “Account Name” I can also group the report to run by the “Sold By Rep” as well!
What does this mean?
By learning the above, you’re able to now utilize all + Reporting as well as the Product Sales & Invoice Summary & Analysis Report. Happy reporting!