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Setting Up Auto-Invoicing

The auto-invoicing feature will automatically create and send invoices based on the rules established on the Invoicing Rules page. You establish these rules per-product.

Setting Invoice Automation Rules #

  • Click Automation using the left-hand navigation menu.
  • Then, click on the Accounting tab to view your accounting automation.
  • Click the Manage Rules button found in the Auto-Invoice Email Template section.
  • Configure your invoicing rules for each product:
    • Product - This is the product that you will be establishing the rules for.
    • Active - This denotes whether or not the product is then set to Active in the product settings.
    • Auto-Invoice - Select this checkbox if you want this product auto-invoiced.
    • Ignore Line Items Before - If you do not want to send out any invoices for products that have line items before a certain date, you can enter that date here.
    • Days - This is the number of days past the due date that you wish to send out the auto-reminder for this product.
    • Invoice Handling - Generates an invoice as soon as that product is booked on a contract. Here, you determine when MediaOS will automatically create invoices based on the line item's run date. You can choose from these options:

Options for Invoice Handling #

  • Do Not Invoice - This will prevent all line items belonging to the product from being invoiced.
  • Immediately - Immediately generates an invoice for all line items belonging to this product immediately for after a contract has been set to won.
  • Days Before - Generates an invoice 'X' amount of days before the line item's run date.
  • Days After - Generates an invoice 'X' amount of days after the line item's run date.
  • Note: If you are using Days Before or Days After, you will also need to enter the amount of days before or after a line item runs that the line items belonging to this product should be invoiced.
  • You can also configure system-wide invoicing rules by using the top fields.
  • Click the Save button.

Scheduling Auto-Invoicing Campaigns #

  • Click Automation on the navigation menu.
  • Then select the Automation tab at the top of the screen.
  • Toggle the Auto Invoice button to on.
  • Then, configure how often and when your automated invoice campaigns will be sent.
    • Invoices can be sent Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Twice Monthly at any time interval you select.
  • Toggle the Auto-Invoice Email Template button to on.
  • Click Select Template to choose the email template you want your clients to receive.
  • Select Change Template to customize the subject line, from email, and from name for automated campaigns.
Auto-invoicing setup and email template
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