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Dashboard Overview

MediaOS has a powerful and easy-to-use user interface. In this dashboard overview, you'll learn how to quickly see your day at a glance, your emails, calls, and follow-ups, and customize your dashboards to provide pertinent information for you and your business.

Upon logging into MediaOS, you will see a large navigation pane broken into several widgets. MediaOS allows you to create, customize and share multiple dashboards to increase awareness and efficiency amongst departments. Watch this video for a dashboard demo. 

Dashboard Overview

1. From your dashboard select Manage.

2. Click on New Dashboard.

3. Title your dashboard by typing over the word "Untitled" to give your new dashboard a name. 

4. Click on your newly created dashboard.

5. Click Add Widget to create your custom dashboard.

6. Select your preferred widgets and repeat until your dashboard is complete.The widget will automatically be placed in the first available location in the default size on your dashboard. You can arrange your widgets easily with a quick drag and drop and resize using the arrows.  

7. Click on Manage to organize your dashboard more.

How to Manage Your Dashboard's View  #

  • Enable compact view to clean up the dashboard spacing. 
  • Enable the share button to share a dashboard with all users. Only Admin users can share dashboards.  
  • Hide or delete dashboards you don't want to see by dragging and dropping into the Hidden or Delete sections.

How to Remove or Edit a Widget #

  1. Select the three buttons in the top right hand corner of any widgets on your dashboard. 
  2. You will see a remove button and or an edit button. The options given are dependent on the widget you are editing.

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