Setting Up Membership Tier and Membership Types
- 1. First, we want to go in and set up our membership types. To do so, click the profile icon in the lower left corner, and then select "System Settings"
- 2. Scroll down to the Members section of this page, and select "Membership Tier Types"
- Note: Memberships inside of MediaOS are not just memberships, they also have a status level. For example, bronze, silver, and gold tier levels get different benefits as you work your way up. You do not HAVE to have multiple tiers, but you do need to have at least a tier type set up and a default-based tier level.
- For this example, we will be showing you how to create just a normal print-based subscription for a publication
- 3. Click the + Tier Group button in the top left to create a new tier group. Label this as Default (or anything you would like, this is just an example) and click Create Tier Group.
- If you want to create that different level tier system that works it's way up in benefits and pricing, do so at this step.

- 4. After you set up your membership tier type, go back to the "System Settings", scroll down to the Members section, and select Membership Types.
- 5. Label your membership type as you wish, in this example, we will label this "Monthly Magazine Subscriber"
- 6. For the Membership Type Method, select, "Issue Based", you can choose between Issue and Time Based.
- 7. For Product, we will seelct our product that is pre-selected in MediaOS.
- if this field is empty, simply "Add Product" and select magazine, website, or whatever corresponds to the product you are trying to sell a subscription or membership for.
- 8. Select your Tier type and then hit Save.
- 9. Now, it is time to Import our Subscribers
Importing Your Subscribers
- 1. Click the profile icon in the bottom left, and select "Import"
- 2. Scroll down to Memberships and Click.
- Note: Memberships = Subscriptions
- 3. Select the type of import you would like to do, for our example case this would be "Monthly Magazine Subscriber"
- 4. Now our system recognizes the proper headers for our issue-based subscriber import!
- 5. You can now download those definitions by the two grey buttons below as either a CSV or a PDF. In this case, we already have a file downloaded, so we are going to click the orange Upload CSV File and select our document from our computer.

- 6. Now it is time to Map Our Columns from our downloaded CSV file.
- Note: if the criteria says "Can Be Empty", that means you do not have to fill it out as a column
- "Optional" means you can decide if you want to include this field in your import
- 7. Membership Tier Level is what you Created in the Previous step
- 8. Duplicate Handling: This is asking how you want to handle your duplicates. The first one meaning the add is new, saying that we will just add this as a new membership. (It will still go to that corresponding member, but will be added as a second membership for that member). Skip means that we will ignore it all together. Replace existing means that it will override the existing membership and use the one that is in the import instead and then combine.
- in our example, we will select add as new, since we are starting from scratch and won't have any new members anyway
- 9. Renew with Offer: if we are importing credit card information, we have the ability to ensure that auto-renewals are happening and select which offer we want to renew this with. This will require you to set up offers prior to your import, which we will cover next.
- 10. Import Price: Go through and see if the price is provided, and it will actually override the best available price on the selected offer!
- 11. Go through and map all of our names, mailing addresses, bill to addresses, etc.
- Note: if in your prior subscription service you were more date based on when a subscription expires, then perhaps a time based product might be best for you. Or you can convert those to number of issues that are remaining.
Setting Up Your Product
- 1. Click on Members on the left-hand side menu, and then select the Sales tab on top.
- 2. Select the Products Tab right below sales
- 3. Click the +Member Product- this will allow us to set up something that we want sold in our e-commerce section of subscriptions.
- 4. Name: in our example, we call this "Monthly Magazine"
- 5. Discription: In our example, "A magazine that is releasing monthly"
- 6. Type:
- Digital: this is a FILE, great for something if you are selling a visitor's guide, or a collection of information, anything that you want locked behind what is essentially a purchase checkout paywall you can set up here as a digital product
- Physical: For example, you want to sell a tote bag in your e-checkout store, you can set up an inventory limit and mark this as a physical product.
- Tickets: For events, which you can tie to a actual event product in MediaOS and then set inventory
- Membership: utilized for the subscriptions that we've gone through so far
- 7. Select the Membership type: For our case, it is our Monthly Magazine Subscriber
- 8. Duration: In our example, since it is monthly, we will say 12
- Best practice: create an annual 1 year, and then in your offers set up as automatically renewing.
- 9. Membership Tier: Defalut
- 10. Invoice Item Type:
- Add line item for Subscription
- Name: Subscription
- Type: Fee
- Quickbooks Item: (If you are integrating with Quickbooks Online), assign it to your line item in QB. In our example, It will be "Print"
- 11. Click the Product Image button in the top right to assign a image to your product
Setting Up Your Offers for Your Product
- 1. Select the Offers tab right next to the Products tab.
- 2. Click +Offer in the top right
- 3. Offering Name: In our example, it will be "One Year Subscription to Monthly Magazine"
- 4. Description: Up to You!
- 5. Check the Active Toggle if you this to be a currently active offer
- 6. Check the Account Request Toggle if you want to ensure that an account is required to where someone is actually tying to a company to be able to buy this particular product
- 7. Check the Hidden Toggle if you want this offer to be only accessible via portal links that are sent directly to prospective customers.
- 8. Max Purchases Per Member: ensures that people are not buying up inventory
- 9. Minimum Required Tier to Purchase: if you have multiple different tiers, this ensures that a minimum tier is required to purchase this particular product
- 10. Items Included: In this example, we only have one product, so we will select "Monthly Magazine"
- Note: this is where you could build different products bundled together such as a one year subscription and a tote bag
- 11. Quantity: NOT the number of issues, this is the amount of subscriptions they are purchasing. So in this example, it would be ONE subscription for twelve magazine
- 12. Auto renew: if you select this, it will give you an option for a "renewal offer" which you can also set up.
- 13. Pricing:
- Promo description: Example: One Year Pricing
- If you have a Promotion, put in the promotional code and description, the regular price will go under "Regular Price" and the price with the Promo Code will go under "Price"
- 14. Expires: you can put an expiration date for a certain promotion
- 15. You can set up different locations for different promotions, and different required memberships for specific prices and promotions.
- 16. Click Offering Image button in the top right to add an image to your offering
- 17. Click Save Offer.
Reference Video:
Feel free to take a look at this video where MediaOS's Zack McCann and Joel Pape walk you through each of these steps!